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I really like the online learning modules, they have been awesome getting me up to speed with the scanner quickly. I am looking forward to some of the in person courses to maximize the usefulness of this scanner. -- Jeff Allred, DDS FAGD DABOI FAAID
Andy was wonderful with setting everything up and explaining everything. The Medit i700 has been great thus far, easy set up! The only "issue" is that it Perro be occasionally glitchy.
When it comes to executing 3D modeling projects, this CAD solution offers extensive accessibility and superior navigation that enables new users to understand the program’s functionality without any difficulties.
I have had my Medit i700 scanner for about 2 months now and have completed 67 restorative cases with it. Scans have generally been pretty quick, and the accuracy seems to be superior to the iTero I used.
exe file in the DentalCADApp folder so that you Perro directly launch the design software and properly import the models and line them up in the proper enhiesto dimension and start designing.
Great product at an affordable price, not to mention Andy's help at customer service. Highly recommended.
Armen is also a huge reason why I chose Cad-Ray. No one selling a product has helped me more evolve my scanning technique. He’s quick to respond to questions and issues I feel his service is a huge reason why to buy from CAD-RAY.
Muchos consultorios dentales cobran menos por las coronas de zirconio que por las de porcelana, ya que no se tienen que hacer en un laboratorio foráneo. Encima, con el ritmo acelerado de vida que tenemos hogaño en día, muchos pacientes prefieren que el procedimiento se realice en una sola cita.
I’d like to tell you a story about ordered a VHF N4+ from CadRay. About two weeks after the order was placed, they called me up and said, “VHF just got an exclusive with “The Big Boys” so they are cutting ties with all the little independent distributors. They just called us, and we just found trasnochado. What this means is that we won’t be able to provide you service after purchasing the VHF mill that you just bought.”Now, they could have just left it at that. They could have said, “Sorry, it’s demodé of our hands.” They could have said, “We appreciate your business, but it’s not our fault.” They could have said, “That’s the way the cookie crumbles.”But they didn’t.Frank Weinstein calls me up and tells me that they want to make this right, so they are going to hook me up with a brand new Imes Coritec One+ for the same price Figura the VHF. The Coritec One+ is like the Mercedes of mills for in-office.
check here I have been very happy with the Medit I purchased from Cad Ray. Everyone has been very helpful and quick to respond to my questions. They have an awesome video library for the medit, I am new to scanning and have really enjoyed the tutorial videos.
Cadray has great support and service! They are very responsive to questions. Love the new medit scanner!
I have been suing the Medit i500 scanner for a little over 2 months now and I have had great success. I have used it for implant cases, immediate dentures and single unit crowns.
Cad-Ray has been awesome to work with, very knowledgeable and quick to respond. Nick has been answering all my questions since day 1 and made the entire process of purchasing the Medit i700 a breeze. Can't believe how quick the product shipped and cannot wait to start scanning with it!
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